Adventure Time: the PID community challenge - Presentation at PIDapalooza19

  • Natasha Simons (Speaker)
  • Christopher Brown (Speaker)
  • Braukmann, R. (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationAcademic


Presentation of the "Adventure Time: the PID community challenge" - session at PIDapalooza19.

Abstract of the session:

PIDs are a core component of open research across the global scholarly communications ecosystem. They play a critical role in improving the discovery, linkage, retrieval, navigation, access and citation of the research resources and related information that they identify. However, the full potential of PIDs is yet to be realised.

Through two workshops – one in Singapore and one in the UK – members of the international PID community have been working together to discuss and address key challenges of PIDs in research, including:

Building trust in an environment where PID systems continue to proliferate
Embedding the use of PIDs in research workflows and harnessing the power of connecting PIDs
Increasing the adoption of PIDs by researchers and research organisations through a streamlined and internationally coordinated approach to communication
This session will provide a report back on the nature and outcomes of workshop discussions with a view to building on the successes to date.
Period22 Jan 2019
Event titlePIDapalooza 2019
Event typeConference
LocationDublin, IrelandShow on map


  • PID