Autonomous University in Barcelona (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipOther membershipAcademic


Member of GEDEM group at the Center for Demographic Studies at the Autonomous University in Barcelona

The Group for Demographic and Migration Studies (GEDEM) is an interdisciplinary group linked to the Centre for Demographic Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, since 2005 it has been recognized by the Government of Catalonia as Consolidated Research Group.The chief aim of the Group in the next three years is analysis of population diversity, vulnerability and resilience. The study plan essentially entails analysis, from the demographic standpoint, of population diversity and its relationship with inequality among the population on different territorial scales. Diversity is seen as mainly the product of migration (by place of birth and by nationality) but also gender (and ascribed gender roles) and age of the population.
Held atAutonomous University in Barcelona, Spain


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