Current Themes in Ecology 2024: Long-term ecological research: scientific insights, challenges and opportunities

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventConferenceAcademic


Long-term ecological research is pivotal in helping unravel key ecological processes that give rise to spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution, abundance and diversity of life on earth, as well as critical for quantifying and understanding ecological responses to global change. It also acts as a valuable source for theoretical models, a cornerstone of national and international collaborations, and the groundwork for ecology-informed policy and decision-making. This year's Current Themes in Ecology aims to recognise the value of the infrastructures and networks that laid the groundwork for long-term ecological research, showcase the scientific insights obtained from long-term research in the Netherlands, and identify the challenges and chances on the road of open and FAIR long-term ecological research.
Period14 Nov 2024