This paper discusses the building of a large infrastructure and user interfaces in two projects funded by the Dutch government1) The NWO-Large Investment project Golden Agents: Creative Industries and the Making of the Dutch Golden Age creates a national research infrastructure that combines Semantic Web and Multi-Agent technologies to connect existing databases of the Rijksmuseum, KB National Library of the Netherlands, RKD for various branches of the cultural industries (painting, booking production, theatre, literature etc.) with the contents of two million scans of probate inventories of the long Dutch Golden Age ca. 1570s-1750 to get more insight in the relation between the production and consumption of cultural goods of all layers of society and to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relations between genre, style and taste in various branches of the creative industries.
2) Virtual Interiors as Interfaces to Big Historical Data Research create 2D/3D and 4D user-interfaces to represent these very complex and ambiguous data of the Golden Agent project with multiple levels of uncertainty. Central research questions are:
1) How can we create an infrastructure and interactive interfaces that allow us analyzing re-used and new (un)structured textual and visual Big Data in a combination of 2D digital
maps and 3D/4D models?
2) How did the socio-spatial organization of creative industries (in Amsterdam) shape patterns of cultural consumption and the diffusion of innovation in Amsterdam during the Dutch Golden Age? How can we enrich semantic web technologies with spatial humanities and digital hermeneutic methods?
Period | 19 Oct 2019 |