Lecturer & Coordinator: Genocide Studies. The Causes and Prevention of Mass Atrocities

Activity: Teaching/Examination/SupervisionTeaching activityAcademic


This course focuses of mass atrocities (large scale and systematic human rights violations, particularly genocide). Typically, these types of violations are framed as international crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture or enforced disappearance. Genocide is not a new phenomenon. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, mass atrocities have killed millions. For example: ISIL’s terrorism, state violence in Syria, mass rape in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, genocide in Rwanda, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, mass murder in Guatemala, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, Stalin’s gulags, The Holocaust, death marches in Armenia and the colonial genocide in Namibia. These massive persecutions and massacres were exceptionally destructive. Millions of people were killed or otherwise victimised. It has been estimated that in the last century approximately 191 million persons lost their lives due to collective violence. The perpetrators appeared in various guises: as politicians, bureaucrats, murderers, torturers, rapists, thieves, agitators, informants, beneficiaries, or silent spectators. Mass violence concerns everyone and differs greatly from domestic criminality in its causes, morphology, and consequences.
Period08 Apr 201920 Jun 2019
Examination held at
  • Leiden University (The Hague Campus)
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Genocide
  • transitional justice