Sater Frisian adpositions may be lengthened with a schwa (-e). Although lengthening is not generally obligatory, it is not the case that an adposition can always be lengthened. Our analysis reveals that lengthening is sensitive to syntactic, semantic and lexical-idiomatic factors. A necessary precondition for lengthening is that the adposition, together with the verb, expresses permanence, not change. Thus lengthening is characteristically found with copulas (verbs of predication) like to be, to have, to sit, and so on. Lengthening is characteristically absent with most other verbs, since most verbs express a change or a process. Lengthening is found with bare adpositions and with adpositions accompanied by an R-pronoun or a PP. Prepositions accompanied by a prepositional complement of the category DP (NP) are never lengthened.
01 Jul 2022
Event title
Small languages, big ideas: the smaller Germanic languages from a theoretical, general and comparative perspective