As data increasingly becomes digital, source criticism must expand, recognizing that archival records, collections, and digitised historical data is human-created and therefore non-neutral. Archivists need to be considered as co-creators of archives, leaving their mark, which challenges the traditional view of neutrality. In this keynote, Van Lange emphasized how and why a more equal partnership between archivists and researchers is essential. Digitization amplifies frequently accessed archives, pushing non-digitized ones to the background. Platforms like the EHRI Portal can bridge the gap, especially in Holocaust and WWII research.
11 Sept 2024
Event title
Hoe Holocaustonderzoekers en archieven samen nieuwe inzichten genereren: Het wetenschappelijk programma van EHRI-NL in relatie tot de digitalisering van het Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging