Together and Apart. The Urban Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century / Vmeste i vroz. Gorodskaia semia v Rossii v XX veke

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventFestival/Exhibition


Together and Apart. The Urban Family in Russia in the Twentieth Century / Vmeste i vroz. Gorodskaia semia v Rossii v XX veke

‘Together and Apart’ is an exhibition about the family in Russia’s turbulent twentieth century. It has been on show at venues in the Netherlands (2012) and Russia (2013, 2014, 2015).

Photographs from family albums, audio-visual projections, household objects, posters and film portray life in the “Soviet century” from the perspective of the people who lived it, in their everyday experiences of growing up and ageing, of marrying and raising a family, of housing arrangements, study, work and leisure. At the root of this exhibition on the intersection of science and art are the insights from IISH-research in Moscow.
Period14 Sept 201306 Nov 2013


  • Russia
  • Family