Pragas consideradas prejudiciais podem ajudar na biodiversidade

Press/Media: Research


Insects and microorganisms that feed on plants, consuming part of the leaves, modifying the leaf tissue or even generating dark spots, are commonly called pests and considered harmful. However, interactions between plants and their natural enemies are important mechanisms that generate and maintain biodiversity.

Period20 Feb 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePragas consideradas prejudiciais podem ajudar na biodiversidade
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletEBC Radio Brasil Rural
    Media typeRadio
    DescriptionInsects and microorganisms that feed on plants, consuming part of the leaves, modifying the leaf tissue or even generating dark spots, are commonly called pests and considered harmful.

    However, interactions between plants and their natural enemies are important mechanisms that generate and maintain biodiversity.
    PersonsNacho Villar, Carine Emer


  • plant-pathogen interaction
  • Atlantic Forest
  • trophic cascade
  • biodiversity
  • Janzen-Connell model
  • exclusion experiment