Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Amstelodamensis)



This is the text-fabric representation of the Hebrew Bible Database, containing the text of the Hebrew Bible augmented with linguistic annotations compiled by the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer, VU University Amsterdam.

This repository contains several versions of the dataset, going back to 2011. It is meant to accumulate new versions over the years, and have one continuous version, a version that we deliberately update with a high frequency.

So this repository addresses the need for permanency as well as the urge for change.

More information, especially about the data versions and annotation features, can be found on the data documentation pages.
Date made available30 Oct 2017
Temporal coverage01 Jan 2011 - 12 Dec 2018
Date of data production01 Jan 2011 - 12 Dec 2018


  • hebrew text database

    van Peursen, W. T. & Roorda, D.


    Project: Research

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