Data from: Combining acoustic tracking and LiDAR to study bat flight behaviour in three-dimensional space

  • Claire Hermans (Creator)
  • Jens koblitz ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior) (Creator)
  • Harm Bartholomeus ( Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University & Research) (Creator)
  • Peter Stilz (University of Tübingen) (Creator)
  • Marcel E. Visser (Creator)
  • Kamiel Spoelstra (Creator)



Background: Habitat structure strongly influences niche differentiation, facilitates predator avoidance, and drives
species-specific foraging strategies of bats. Vegetation structure is also a strong driver of echolocation call character-
istics. The fine-scale assessment of how bats utilise such structures in their natural habitat is instrumental in under-
standing how habitat composition shapes flight- and acoustic behaviour. However, it is notoriously difficult to study
their species-habitat relationship in situ.
Methods: Here, we describe a methodology combining Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to characterise three-
dimensional vegetation structure and acoustic tracking to map bat behaviour. This makes it possible to study fine-
scale use of habitat by bats, which is essential to understand spatial niche segregation in bats. Bats were acoustically
tracked with microphone arrays and bat calls were classified to bat guild using automated identification. We did this
in multiple LiDAR scanned vegetation plots in forest edge habitat. The datasets were spatially aligned to calculate the
distance between bats’ positions and vegetation structures.
Results: Our results are a proof of concept of combining LiDAR with acoustic tracking. Although it entails challenges
with combining mass-volumes of fine-scale bat movements and vegetation information, we show the feasibility and
potential of combining those two methods through two case studies. The first one shows stereotyped flight patterns
of pipistrelles around tree trunks, while the second one presents the distance that bats keep to the vegetation in the
presence of artificial light.
Conclusion: By combining bat guild specific spatial behaviour with precise information on vegetation structure, the
bat guild specific response to habitat characteristics can be studied in great detail. This opens up the possibility to
address yet unanswered questions on bat behaviour, such as niche segregation or response to abiotic factors in inter-
action with natural vegetation. This combination of techniques can also pave the way for other applications linking
movement patterns of other vocalizing animals and 3D space reconstruction.
Date made available20 Oct 2022
Date of data production12 Oct 2022

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