FTARSP- Friese Taal Analyse Remediëring en Screening Procedure



In this project a Frisian ‘Language Assessment Remediation and Screening Procedure’ (in Dutch ‘Taal Analyse Remedierings en Screenings Procedure’, hence F-TARSP) was developed to provide speech and language therapists in Friesland (the Netherlands) with a language instrument that can be used in assessing as well as treating young native speakers of Frisian. The methodology that was used was comparable to the methodology used in the development of the Dutch TARSP (Schlichting, 2005). This Dutch TARSP was based on the English LARSP (Crystal et al., 1989). It was a cross-sectional study.
Date made available03 Jul 2023
PublisherFryske Akademy
Temporal coverage2007 - 2008
Date of data production2007 - 2008

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