Geranium microbiome

  • Rutger Wilschut (Creator)
  • Wim H. van der Putten (Creator)
  • Paolina Garbeva (Creator)
  • Paula Harkes (Creator)
  • Wouter Konings (Creator)
  • Purva Kulkarni (Creator)
  • Henk Martens (Creator)
  • Stefan Geisen (Creator)



In this study we examined communities of bacteria, protists, fungi and nematodes in the rhizospheres of 8 Geranium species. We grew the plants for 14 weeks in pots with soils from 5 different riverine grasslands close to Wageningen, The Netherlands, after which we extracted and amplified DNA using 16S and 18S rDNA primers, to explore variation in the microbiomes.
Date made available25 Nov 2018
PublisherEuropean Nucleotide Archive (ENA)

Dataset type

  • Processed data

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