GLOBALISE - Weights and Measures in the 18th-Century Indian Ocean World



This dataset provides information on weights and measures used by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The dataset is meant to be integrated into the GLOBALISE infrastructure, to serve as reference data and to facilitate query expansion in full-text searches of the archives of the VOC.

This dataset contextualizes units of weight and measure which were drawn from the eighteenth-century 'Memoriƫn van Munten, Maaten, en Gewigten als dezelve op Batavia en op de respective Comptoiren van Indiƫ in gebruik zijn'. To (re)use the dataset and to know more about its scope and contents, please consult the documentation and the data-envelope.

The dataset consists of three different files:
File 1: Glossary of weights and measures
File 2: Labels for weights and measures
File 3: Conversions for weights and measures.
There are two file types for the conversions (xlsx and tab). The xlsx file gives a clear overview of the conversions, the tab file is principally meant for re-use.

The documents in the current version of the dataset (Version 1) are dated May 2024.
Date made available23 May 2024
PublisherIISH Dataverse
Temporal coverage1764 - 1774
Geographical coverageIndian Ocean World


  • colonial history
  • Dutch East India Company
  • Global History
  • Weights and Measures
  • Metrology

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