Verbal valence



Study of verbal valence patterns in Biblical Hebrew. Part of the SYNVAR project.
The results of this study are being delivered in several forms, summarized here. It might be helpful to consult a description of the sources first.

Visualization: a tutorial notebook showing the sense distribution of the 10 most frequent verbs;
Annotations: a set of annotations in SHEBANQ showing the verbal valence analysis in context;
Data module: a set of higher level features in text-fabric format, storing the flowchart input data and outcomes;
Spreadsheets: a set of CSV files used in the workflows for data entry;
Documents: a number flowcharts for individual verbs, to be found in the wiki of this repository;
Program code: a bunch of Jupyter notebooks that describe and execute the following tasks:
The data correction workflow, followed by enrichment;
The application of the flowcharts to the whole corpus.
Date made available30 Oct 2017
Temporal coverage30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2017
Date of data production01 Jan 2016 - 30 Oct 2017


  • hebrew text database

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