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The emergence of the profession of Mathematical & Philosophical Instrument Maker in the 17th century Dutch Republic
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Invited speaker)
19 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
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presentation short paper: ‘Invisible Cities in Literature and History: Interfaces to Scalable Readings of Textual and Visual Representations of the Imaginary’. [together with Florentina Armaselu. University of Luxembourg]
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
15 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The tale of the crouching dinosaur. How and why Dinosaurs were made in Germany around 1910
I.J.J. Nieuwland (Speaker)
09 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
title paper: Banned books before the Index
I. van Renswoude (Speaker)
Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Conference Making Visible. The Visual Culture of the Early Royal Society
H.G.M. Jorink (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Explorations and Experiments with Texts and Topics. Toward digital analyses of historiographical themes in the Republic of Letters
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
12 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Connecting Agents Presentation of the Project Golden Agents: Creative Industries and the Making of the Dutch Golden Age
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Technical signs as a form of extralinguistic communication in the early Middle Ages
E. Steinova (Speaker)
09 Jun 2016 → 10 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The list of marginal signs in the Liber Glossarum as a clue to its compilation
E. Steinova (Speaker)
25 May 2016 → 27 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
lecture:Editing Grotius’ correspondence: a Project that Took Nearly Eighty Years to Complete
H.J.M. Nellen (Invited speaker)
02 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
title: Beyond Flatland. Multidimensionality in Historical Network Research’
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Keynote speaker)
28 Apr 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
spreken over middeleeuwse handschriften op een basisschool tijdens de happening 'Meet the Professor'
M.J. Teeuwen (Speaker)
30 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
De verrassende actualiteit van Erasmus
J. Bloemendal (Speaker)
22 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
De Nederlandse buitenplaats als knooppunt van kennis en innovatie
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Speaker)
19 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Pay Attention and Mark Your References! The Use of Technical Signs in Manuscript Margins
E. Steinova (Speaker)
17 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lezing 'Voices from the Edge: Practices of Annotating in the Early Middle Ages'
M.J. Teeuwen (Speaker)
17 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lecture for a group of staff and students on "How the Teyler Collection was constituted, used, and was transformed into a Public Museum"
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Invited speaker)
16 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Marginal symbols as an annotation practice in the Carolingian period
E. Steinova (Speaker)
11 Mar 2016 → 13 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Critical signs as a form of a commentary: how to deal with them?
E. Steinova (Speaker)
09 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Introduction to Linked Open Data in context of project Golden Agents. Creative Industries and the Making of the Dutch Golden Age
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
05 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Presentation film 'In waking hours' (by Katrien Vanagt) and lecture Descartes, Plempius and theories of Vision in the 17th century Dutch Republic
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 Feb 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
“A sight which is by far the noblest astronomy affords”. The Transits of Mercury in the 17th- and 18th- century
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Speaker)
05 Feb 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
'Knowledge Games. Otto Marseus van Schrieck and the Scientific Communities in Florence and Amsterdam, 1650-1680
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
22 Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How Anthonie van Leeuwhoek was fashioned (and Johannes Swammerdam framed)
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
20 Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Erasmus's New Testament: A Brilliant Failure
J. Bloemendal (Invited speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Vijfhonderd jaar Nieuwe Testament van Erasmus
J. Bloemendal (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
paper: Mary Stuart on the European Stage
J. Bloemendal (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
De verrassende actualiteit van Erasmus
J. Bloemendal (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Delftse verrekijkermakers, landmeters en kunstschilders uit midden 17e eeuw: een mooi voorbeeld van de circulatie van kennis en vaardigheden
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Keynote speaker)
12 Dec 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Mapping the Dynamics of the Republic of Letters Time, Space and Topics in Unstructured Text
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
04 Dec 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Cleveringa-lezing 'Adriaan Koerbagh, de redelijke mens, en het erfgoed van de Verlichting'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
26 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
‘Deep Maps and Deep Networks: Visualizations for Circulation of Knowledge and Collection History’
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Invited speaker)
26 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
From Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum to Wikipedia: Organizing Authority of Global Knowledge’
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Fascinatie met natuurkunde : toen, nu (en straks?)
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Otlet and the World Wide Web. Technologies to organise global knowledge
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
31 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Technical signs as a form of scholarly annotation in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
E. Steinova (Speaker)
30 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Die Ränder der Handschrift als Spiegel des mittelalterlichen Geistes: Die karolingische Zeit
M.J. Teeuwen (Speaker)
27 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Otlet's KnowledgeScapes. The Mundaneum and Interfaces to Science
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Keynote speaker)
07 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Public lecture ‘Nicolaas Witsen en het ontstaan van een wereldwijd kennisnetwerk’, symposium/webpresentatie Nicolaas Witsen en de kennis van Eurazië in de Gouden Eeuw
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
24 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
'Introduction. Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries (1560-1730)'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Mathematical and Optical knowledge in mid-17th century Delft
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Speaker)
17 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek’s Scientific Instruments: new Information from the Delft Archives
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Speaker)
09 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Onderzoekspresentatie en discussie "Kennis en Marges", samen met Prof.dr. A. Visser (Universiteit Utrecht)
M.J. Teeuwen (Speaker) & A. Visser (Speaker)
07 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
paper Hugo 'Grotius and the right of resistance' International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna Conference, 3-8 August 2015
H.J.M. Nellen (Speaker)
03 Aug 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Paper: Scientific Debate in the Margin of Early Medieval Manuscripts
M.J. Teeuwen (Speaker)
08 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Paper title: Quotation mark in the early medieval West
E. Steinova (Speaker)
06 Jul 2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The "Liber de animalibus" of Avicenna ('Abbreviatio Avicennae'). Preliminaries and state of affairs
A.M.I. van Oppenraay (Invited speaker)
03 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Mapping Notes and Nodes: Building a Multi-Layered Network for a History of the Cultural Industry.
C.M.J.M. van den Heuvel (Speaker)
01 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
For the count’s prestige: astronomy as a tool for the fashioning of a ruler’s authority. The case of Dutch Colonial Brazil (1638-1644)
Huib J. Zuidervaart (Speaker)
27 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
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Utrecht Colloquium in Medieval Studies
E. Steinova (Speaker)
25 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic