Projects per year
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CLAIR-HD: Common Language for Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability in Historical Demography
Stapel, R. & Mourits, R.
01/12/2021 → 30/09/2022
Project: Research
(Re)counting the uncounted. Replication and Contextualisation of Dutch and Belgian Premodern Population Estimates (1350-1800)
01/09/2020 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Een Schitterende Erfenis: 125 jaar ANDB
Hofmeester, K. & Leclercq, S.
29/11/2019 → 29/12/2019
Project: Other
CLARIAH+: Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities - CLARIAH+
de Vries, J., Shatanawi, S., Scharnhorst, A., van den Bosch, A., Tykhonov, V., Indarto, E., Priddy, M. & Admiraal, F.
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
TICCLAT: Text-Induced Corpus Correction and Lexical Assessment Tool
Reynaert, M., Keuleers, E., van der Sloot, K., Depuydt, K., Bloothooft, G. & Stapel, R.
01/01/2018 → 01/07/2019
Project: Research
OpenGazAm: Linked Open Data Gazetteers of the Americas
Stapel, R., Reynaert, M., Petram, L. & van Berchum, M.
01/12/2017 → 01/12/2018
Project: Research
Coin Production in the Low Countries, 14th century - present
Zuijderduijn, J., Stapel, R., Lucassen, J. & Meijer, K.
22/04/2016 → 30/11/2016
Project: Research
Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
01/01/2015 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Census data open linked – CEDA_R From fragment to fabric – Dutch census data in a web of global cultural and historic information
Scharnhorst, A., Mandemakers, K., van Harmelen, F., Doorn, P., Guéret, C., Ashkpour, A., Meroño-Peñuela, A. & Schlobach, S.
01/10/2011 → 31/03/2016
Project: Research
A Golden Age of Collections. Small charitable gifts in the Dutch Republic
van Nederveen Meerkerk, E., Teeuwen, D. & Heerma van Voss, L.
01/01/2010 → 30/09/2013
Project: Research