Activities per year
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Straylight in the human eye.
T.J.T.P. van den Berg (Speaker)
22 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Adult neurogenic astrocytes: towards their recruitment for brain repair.
E.M. Hol (Keynote speaker)
19 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The timing of sleep and alertness.
Eus Van Someren (Speaker)
15 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The hypothalamus and the temporal control of energy metabolism.
A. Kalsbeek (Speaker)
15 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
De noodzaak en risico's van activatie van onze hersenen in de verschillende levensfasen.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
14 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Stress systems in dementia. Joint PAIC and EU-COST action: Pain in impaired cognition, especially dementia.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
13 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lange-termijns effecten van anesthesie bij kinderen.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
11 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Straylight in the human eye and wavelength dependence of the light scattering processes.
T.J.T.P. van den Berg (Speaker)
11 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Adult neurogenic astrocytes: towards their recruitment for brain repair.
E.M. Hol (Speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Het bedreigde kinderbrein.
D.F. Swaab (Keynote speaker)
15 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The costs and mechanisms of high-frequency action potentials.
M.H.P. Kole (Speaker)
12 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Emerging roles of electrical synapses.
M. Kamermans (Speaker)
29 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Introduction into electrophysiology.
P.R. Roelfsema (Speaker)
23 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Invloed van de biologische klok op obesitas en diabetes.
A. Kalsbeek (Speaker)
20 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Costs, mechanisms and origin of the axonal spike.
M.H.P. Kole (Keynote speaker)
18 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The effects of amyloid-beta on synapses.
H.W. Kessels (Speaker)
16 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The empathic brain - How brains share actions, sensations and emotions with other brains.
Christian Keysers (Keynote speaker)
14 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Strooilichtbepaling met de C-Quant.
T.J.T.P. van den Berg (Speaker)
12 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relationship to physiology anad disease.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
11 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Neuronal mechanisms for perceptual grouping.
P.R. Roelfsema (Keynote speaker)
11 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Geslachtsdifferentiatie van onze hersenen.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
09 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Cerebellar coordination dissected.
C.I. De Zeeuw (Speaker)
01 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Binding and Learning in Large-Scale Brain Networks
P.R. Roelfsema (Keynote speaker)
28 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Imaging synapse and network function in the developing brain.
C. Lohmann (Speaker)
28 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
De zetel van zonderlinge verschijningen.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
22 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
De neurobiologie van dakloosheid, verslaving en criminaliteit.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
21 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Molecular mechanisms of retinal degenerations.
A.A.B. Bergen (Speaker)
20 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Brain mechanisms that integrate features for the perception of visual shape.
P.R. Roelfsema (Keynote speaker)
20 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Zijn wij ons brein en geldt dat ook voor de aandoening schizofrenie?
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
18 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The effects of amyloid-beta on synapses.
H.W. Kessels (Speaker)
12 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How spontaneous activity shapes neuronal connections in the developing brain.
C. Lohmann (Speaker)
12 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
New ways to understand insomnia: brain imaging and web-based phenotyping.
Eus Van Someren (Speaker)
10 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Development of motor control.
C.I. De Zeeuw (Speaker)
10 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Straylight as a measure for quality of vision and the tear film.
T.J.T.P. van den Berg (Speaker)
08 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Seksuele differentiatie van de hersenen.
D.F. Swaab (Speaker)
06 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
What are the implications of the straylight domain for the clinician.
T.J.T.P. van den Berg (Keynote speaker)
06 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Astrocyten zijn de sterren van het brein.
E.M. Hol (Speaker)
04 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Feedforward and feedback processes in attentional grouping.
P.R. Roelfsema (Speaker)
03 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic