Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 257 results
Search results
KNAW 3VFonds - Refinement for studying activity rhythms of captive birds
01/07/2020 → 31/03/2021
Project: Research
Cards: KNAW Onderzoeksfonds - The complexity of Asparagus root rot disease harbors the solution to beat it
Zwart, M. & Raaijmakers, J. M.
01/07/2020 → 30/06/2023
Project: Research
KNAW 3VFonds - Het meten van stress bij dieren door middel van warmtegevoelige camera’s
22/06/2020 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
VDH De Beukelaar - Een citizen science project om de genetica van stadsvogels te onderzoeken
15/06/2020 → 30/04/2021
Project: Research
OBN-OVP: BIJ12 OBN - Cyclisch waterbeheer Oostvaardersplassen.
01/06/2020 → 01/07/2023
Project: Research
AERES - lectoraat Insecten en maatschappij
de Boer, J. G. & van der Putten, W. H.
01/05/2020 → 30/04/2024
Project: Research
BioFor: NWO - Applying the “biotic soil legacy” approach to understand positive-negative biota interactions for direct forest restoration from plant-soil communities feedbacks
van der Putten, W. H. & Merloti, L.
01/05/2020 → 31/07/2024
Project: Research
AQUACOSM-plus: EU H2020 - Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic Me
01/04/2020 → 31/03/2024
Project: Research
Nationale Postcode Loterij - Onder het Maaiveld: naar een levende bodem als basis onder ons bestaan
01/04/2020 → 31/03/2023
Project: Research
KNAW Fonds Ecologie - How trophic transfer efficiency varies among habitats with different primary producers in ecological restoration project Marker Wadden
Bakker, E. S. & Jin, H.
01/04/2020 → 31/08/2020
Project: Research
KNAW Fonds Ecologie - What role do viruses play in the ecologie of invasive plant species
Boezen, D. & Zwart, M.
24/03/2020 → 31/03/2022
Project: Research
Predicting when plant-soil feedbacks promote or prevent alien plant invasion
Wandrag, E.
01/03/2020 → 27/10/2022
Project: Research
NWO VENI - Evolution of circadian clocks: urbanization as a large-scale experiment
15/01/2020 → 14/10/2023
Project: Research
PsychoPharmac’eau: NWO - “PsychoPharmac’eau Psychopharmaceutical Prevention & Pilots to Reduce Effects in the water cycle
01/01/2020 → 31/08/2024
Project: Research
KNAW 3VFonds - Bloed-vrije geslachtsbepaling d.m.v. geautomatiseerde biometrie en kunstmatige intelligentie
van de Pol, M. & Visser, M. E.
01/01/2020 → 30/06/2020
Project: Research
TransLatin: TransLatin The Transnational Impact of Latin Theatre from the Early Modern Netherlands
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Ministerie OCenW - Harnessing the second genome of plants. Microbial imprinting for crop resilience (MiCRop)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Een Schitterende Erfenis: 125 jaar ANDB
Hofmeester, K. & Leclercq, S.
29/11/2019 → 29/12/2019
Project: Other
Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation: Learning from nature– towards sustainable crop production using soil fungi
Hannula, E.
01/11/2019 → 18/03/2022
Project: Research
Institutional dynamics in research - processes of cultural innovation and co-creation in the ERICs. The case study of the Working Groups in DARIAH-EU
Morselli, F., Scharnhorst, A. & Pozzo, R.
01/10/2019 → 01/09/2023
Project: Research
Wildcard: WUR - Efficiency through modularity: greenhouse gas emission free wastewater treatment
Vasconcelos Fernandes, T., Trebuch, L. M., Oyserman, B., Raaijmakers, J. M. & Janssen, M.
01/10/2019 → 31/12/2021
Project: Research
EOSC-synergy: European Open Science Cloud - Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities
Dillo, I., Steinhoff, W., Hof, C. H. J., Coen, G., Doorn, P., Tykhonov, V., Cepinskas, L., Leenarts, E. & Priddy, M.
01/09/2019 → 31/10/2022
Project: Research
NWO - Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach
01/09/2019 → 31/08/2024
Project: Research
KNAW Fonds Ecologie - Dispersal of plant seeds by waterbirds across habitat types
01/08/2019 → 31/10/2019
Project: Research
Gieskes Strijbis Fonds - Effecten van microplastics op het onderwater voedselweb van de toekomst.
de Senerpont Domis, L. & Van Donk, E.
01/05/2019 → 01/05/2023
Project: Research
NiPFish: Gieskes Stijbis Fonds - Natuur in productie.
Bakker, E. S. & van Leeuwen, C.
01/05/2019 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
KNAW Strategiefonds - The effect of early-life food stress on DNA methylation, personality and fitness of wild great tits (Parus major).
01/04/2019 → 31/03/2020
Project: Research
RUG - Development of a software tool for automated beak phenotyping
01/04/2019 → 31/08/2019
Project: Research
KNAW Fonds ecologie - Tracking Pink-footed Geese on a new spring migration route to newly colonised breeding areas in the Arctic.
Schreven, K. & Nolet, B. A.
01/04/2019 → 30/06/2022
Project: Research
NWO - Predicting and preventing emergent cyanobacterial blooms in complex man-made Dutch hydrological networks on daily and yearly time scales
01/04/2019 → 31/05/2024
Project: Research
Dillo, I., Grootveld, M. J., von Stein, I., de Vries, J., Coen, G., Leenarts, E., Mokrane, M., van Horik, R., Kalaitzi, V. & Saldner, S.
01/03/2019 → 28/02/2022
Project: Research
NWO - When nature strikes - Species extinction or adaptation?
01/02/2019 → 31/01/2023
Project: Research
KNAW - Fonds Ecologie S. Gomes
Fernandes Gomes, S. I. & Bezemer, T. M.
01/02/2019 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Instituta de Fomento/ Univ. Leiden - Fellowship S.W.S. Flores
Sarango Flores, S. W. & Raaijmakers, J. M.
14/01/2019 → 13/01/2023
Project: Research
Compounds of emerging concern removal by microalgae-based technologies
Vasconcelos Fernandes, T., Wu, K., Vet, L. E. M., Langenhoff, A., Rijnaarts, H. & Zweers, H.
10/01/2019 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
CLARIAH+: Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities - CLARIAH+
de Vries, J., Shatanawi, S., Scharnhorst, A., van den Bosch, A., Tykhonov, V., Indarto, E., Priddy, M. & Admiraal, F.
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
SSHOC: Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud
Wittenberg, M., Braukmann, R., Leenarts, E., Tykhonov, V., Huis in 't Veld, L., van Horik, R., Kalaitzi, V. & Saldner, S.
01/01/2019 → 31/03/2022
Project: Research