Activities per year
- 250 - 300 out of 355 results
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Migration Studies (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
2014Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Comparative Population Studies (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
2014Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Advances in Life Course Research (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
2014Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
International Migration Review (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Ageing & Society (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Editor)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity › Academic
Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO-Vlaanderen) (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Reviewer)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Membership › Membership of research review committee › Academic
Studiedienst Vlaamse regering (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Reviewer)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Membership › Membership of research review committee › Academic
World Development (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Arab Spring and return intentions of Egyptian migrants living in two Italian cities. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Should I stay or should I go? How Arab Spring and economic crisis affected return intentions. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How to cope with loneliness in a foreign country. A qualitative study among Albanian and Moroccan older migrants in Italy. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Tackling loneliness in older age through interventions: What works and what doesn't? Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How to cope with loneliness in a foreign country? A qualitative study among Albanian and Moroccan older migrants in Italy. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Workshop 35 'Vulnerabilities and coping strategies of ageing migrants', The IMISCOE 10th Annual Conference on Crisis and Migration, Malmö, Sweden, 26-28 August 2013
C.M. Fokkema (Organiser)
2013Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop, seminar › Academic
Loneliness among older migrants: a challenging research topic. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Loneliness among older migrants: Theory and empirical evidence. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Differentional impact of migrants' legal status on transnationalism: just a matter of time and integration? Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How to cope with loneliness in a foreign country? a qualitative study among Albanian and Moroccan older migrants in Italy. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Crisis and migration - perceptions, challenges and consequences. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Loneliness among older migrants: Theory and empirical evidence. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The role of migrant status on transnational ties: the case of migrants in Italy. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How to cope with loneliness in a foreign country? A qualitative study among Albanian and Moroccan older migrants in Italy. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Living arrangements of elderly immigrants in Canada, 1981-2011, for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada (SSHRC) (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Demographic Research (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
European Sociological Review (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Editor)
01 Jan 2012 → 31 Dec 2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity › Academic
Eenzaamheid. De wetenschap. Presentatie
C.M. Fokkema (Speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Variation in transnationalism among Eastern European migrants in Italy: the role of duration of residence and integration. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Cross-culturele adaptatie en psychometrische kwaliteiten van de De Jong Gierveld Eenzaamheidsschaal bij oudere migranten. Poster presentatie
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Research project "Vreemdelingendetentie", WODC (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of advisory board/council › Academic
Cross-cultural adaptation and the first psychometric qualities of the De Jong Gierveld loneliness scale in elderly migrants. Poster presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Eenzaamheid, De wetenschap. Presentatie
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Oud en eenzaam? Feiten en misverstanden! Presentatie
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Integration patterns of migrants in Italy between theory and practive. Presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Awareness of risk factors for loneliness among third agers. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Research project "De kwetsbare oudere van allochtone herkomst op de juiste weg naar voorzieningen voor zorg en welzijn: een probleemanalyse?", Amsterdam, AMC (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of advisory board/council › Academic
NIDI / Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie (NVD) (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of jury (award/prize) › Academic
"La dolce vita": integration patterns of migrants in Italy. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The role of migrant status on transnational ties: the case of migrants in Italy. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Older Turkish migrants in Germany: why do they have a higher risk of feeling lonely? Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
VU University Amsterdam (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Other membership › Academic
Pendular migration of older adults: misconceptions and nuances. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
The importance of peers: assimilation patterns among second-generation Turkish immigrants in Western Euerope. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Differences in loneliness between Turkish migrants and Germans in later life. An update. Paper presentation
C.M. Fokkema (Invited speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Stichting Geron (External organisation)
C.M. Fokkema (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of board › Academic
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2011 → 31 Dec 2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Advances in Life Course Research (Journal)
C.M. Fokkema (Peer reviewer / referee)
01 Jan 2011 → 31 Dec 2011Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review