Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 75 results
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Opening lecture 'Otto Marseus van Schrieck: kunst en wetenschap in de Gouden Eeuw', on occasion of the exhibition 'Otto Marseus van Schrieck en de ontdeking van de Bybel der Natuure', Rijksmuseum Twente
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
05 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
'De vinger Gods. Naar een nieuwe biografie van Johannes Swammerdam'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
30 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lezing 'Kunst, kennis en medische praktijk in de Gouden Eeuw'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
07 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Paper ‘Spinoza, Steno, Swammerdam, and the Leiden Medical Faculty', International conference 'Meeting Spinoza. Books, Letters, Networks, Personal Encounters', Utrecht
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
05 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lecture ‘Herbals and the Book of Nature’, International summerschool Print Culture in Early Modern Europe,
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
04 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Public lecture ‘De verzamelaarskast in de context van de 18de-eeuwse verzamelaarswereld’, on occasion of the presentation of the book 'Verzamelaarskast met miniatuurapotheek', Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
23 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
'Geloof en wetenschap bij Johannes Swammerdam'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
19 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Paper ‘Physico-theology in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic: The case of Willem Goeree (1635-1711)’, International Conference Physico-theology in England and on the European Continent (1650-c.1750) Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel,
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
19 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
'Teylers Museum and the (Loss of?) the Encyclopaedic Ideal, 1780-2016'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
22 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Winterlezing ‘De vinger Gods. Johannes Swammerdam (1637-1680), wetenschap, kunst en religie’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
26 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Paper 'The philosophical context of the earliest use of the microscope in the Dutch Republic', International workshop Microscopic Practice and Visual Culture in the 17th and 18th centuries, Artis Library
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
02 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Lecture 'De jacht naar de eenhoorn in de westerse cultuur'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
26 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Session 'Rhetorik der Gewissheit – dynamisches Wissen. Glaubensfragen in der Vormoderne', Historikertag Hamburg
H.G.M. Jorink (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Conference Making Visible. The Visual Culture of the Early Royal Society
H.G.M. Jorink (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Presentation film 'In waking hours' (by Katrien Vanagt) and lecture Descartes, Plempius and theories of Vision in the 17th century Dutch Republic
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 Feb 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
'Knowledge Games. Otto Marseus van Schrieck and the Scientific Communities in Florence and Amsterdam, 1650-1680
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
22 Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
How Anthonie van Leeuwhoek was fashioned (and Johannes Swammerdam framed)
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
20 Jan 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Cleveringa-lezing 'Adriaan Koerbagh, de redelijke mens, en het erfgoed van de Verlichting'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
26 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Public lecture ‘Nicolaas Witsen en het ontstaan van een wereldwijd kennisnetwerk’, symposium/webpresentatie Nicolaas Witsen en de kennis van Eurazië in de Gouden Eeuw
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
24 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
'Introduction. Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries (1560-1730)'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘The Painting as a Site of Knowledge: Otto Marseus van Schrieck and the Order of Nature’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
20 May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Swammerdam, Ruysch and Marseus. Natural history, Medicine and the Boundaries of Representation 1660-1680’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
23 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Publiekslezing ‘Geloof en Wetenschap in de Eeuw van de Verlichting’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
06 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Lecture ‘Geloof en Wetenschap in de Eeuw van de Verlichting’, national theme day 'Enlightenment', KIT Amsterdam.
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
06 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
‘Steno, Swammerdam and Spinoza. Science and religion in the early Enlightenment’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
16 Feb 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Paper ‘Johannes Swammerdam’s use of Images’, International Conference congres Ad vivum?, London
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
23 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
'Studying Insects before Merian: Johannes Goedaert and Johannes Swammerdam'
H.G.M. Jorink (Invited speaker)
26 May 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Johann Bernoulli en de Wederopstanding. Wiskunde, wetenschap en religie in de Nderlandse Verlichting
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
10 May 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Public lecture 'Wetenschapsbeoefening in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
28 Feb 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Societal
Johannes Swammerdam's Use of Images
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
12 Jun 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
De marges van een klassieker: Newtons Principia (1689) gelezen door de anti-Spinozist Adriaen Verwer
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
07 Jun 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Public lecture '‘De marges van een klassieker: Newton’s Principia (1687) gelezen door de anti-Spinozist Adriaen Verwer’, Launch project Early Annotated Books Online, University Library Utrecht.
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
07 Jun 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Johannes Swammerdam, Nicolaus Steno and Spinoza’s Deus sive natura
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
18 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Johannes Swammerdam between Science and Religion
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
Borderline Cases. Art, Science and Religion in the Dutch Golden Age
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
15 Jan 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
From Amsterdam to London. Hans Sloane and the Dutch Culture of Collecting
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
22 Oct 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Johannes Swammerdam and the origins of insect-theology’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
12 Jun 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Toads, snakes and insects. Otto Marseus, Johannes Swammerdam and the study of God’s less esteemed creatures’,
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
23 May 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Johannes Swammerdam’s use of illustrations’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
18 Apr 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Swammerdam’s Images of Insects: From Observation to Print’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
21 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
'The making of academic disciplines in the early modern period'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
04 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
'The Painting as a Site of Knowledge. Otto Marseus van Schrieck (ca 1620-1678) and Scientific Culture in Amsterdam'
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
18 Jun 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Cartesian sex. Seventeenth-century philosophy, Dutch anatomists, and the one-sex model’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
23 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Cultures of Collecting and Communities of Discourse in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
06 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘A Shared World? Romeyn de Hooghe, Johannes Swammerdam and the intellectual cukture of Amsterdam around 1660’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
21 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Lias and the history of science’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
01 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Swammerdam, hoveling? Moeilijkheden en mogelijkheden in een wetenschappelijke carrière’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
28 Aug 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘The End of a Tradition: Johannes Swammerdam on Natural History’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
17 Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Hans Sloane and the Dutch Connection (Witsen, Ruysch, Vincent, Merian and Boerhaave)’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
06 Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic
‘Putting Sir Isaac on the Map. Some Remarks on the Success of Newton and ‘Newtonianism’ in the Netherlands’
H.G.M. Jorink (Speaker)
21 Apr 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Academic