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PRoMISE II: Gates Foundation: Promoting Root Microbes for Integrated Striga Eradication II
Raaijmakers, J. M., de Boer, W., Kuramae, E., Maciá Vicente, J. & Shimels, M.
01/08/2023 → 31/07/2028
Project: Research
SmartResidue: Evaluating Compost and bio-based residues as methane mitigation strategy creating climate smart agricultural soils
01/07/2018 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
NWO Groen - Closing the loop: exploiting sustainable insect production to improve soil, crop and animal health
01/05/2018 → 31/07/2022
Project: Research
Sapro-Feed: STW - Sapro-Feed: Increasing Crop Health by Managing Natural Microbial Interactions
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research