"Поголовное уничтожение еврейского населения" ["Pogolovnoe unichtozhenie evreiskogo naseleniia"]: Холокост в советских СМИ (1941-1945) [Kholokost v sovetskikh SMI (1941-1945)]

Translated title of the contribution: "Total Annihilation of the Jewish Population": The Holocaust in the Soviet Media, 1941-45

Research output: Contribution to journal/periodicalArticleScientific

Translated title of the contribution"Total Annihilation of the Jewish Population": The Holocaust in the Soviet Media, 1941-45
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)62–122
Number of pages61
JournalГолокост і сучасність. Студії в Україні і світі (Holokost i suchasnist'. Studiï v Ukraïni i sviti)
Issue number1(7)
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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