Coercion and Capital revisited. Recent trends in the historiography of state-formation

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This chapter looks at recent trends in the historiography of state-formation since the appearance of Charles Tilly's Coercion and Capital and European States, AD 990-1990. The impact of globalization upon scholarship is analyzed, with increasing attention to comparative studies on China and the Ottoman Empire. Another emphasis has been the study of institutions in relationship with economic growth, among others through state finances and state loans.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEconomies, public finances, and the impact of institutional changes in interregional perspective. The Low Countries and neighbouring German territories, 14th-17th centuries
EditorsRemi Van Schaik
Place of PublicationTurnhout
PublisherBrepols Publishers
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-503-54823-4
ISBN (Print)978-2-503-54785-5
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameStudies in European Urban History (1100-1800)
PublisherBrepols Publishers


  • state-formation, comparative history, historiography, warfare, state finances


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