Comparative studies on couples' and family dynamics using NKPS and Pairfam.

J. Huinink, E.-M. Merz

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The current paper was intended to demonstrate the opportunities for comparative research using two major large-scale surveys from the Netherlands and Germany, the NKPS and pairfam. In an endeavour to show how these surveys can be used for comparative research we elaborated on similarities and differences with regard to study development, research design, respondents, instruments and measures. Furthermore, we presented one research example investigating the realisation of a positive fertility intention among young men and women in the Netherlands and Germany. Specifically, we examined whether demographic as well as intergenerational relationship characteristics determine the odds of realising positive fertility intentions after two years. Despite the narrow focus of this research question, comparative research is still possible based on small but considerable subsamples of the two panel studies.
Original languageUndefined
Place of PublicationBremen/The Hague
PublisherInstitute for Empirical and Applied Sociology/Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series

NamePAIRFAM Working Paper No. 2 and NKPS Working Paper No. 12

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