D1.2 - Data Management Plan

Daniel Turner, Vasso Kalaitzi, Emilie Kraaikamp

Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific


This deliverable represents the FAIR-IMPACT Data Management Plan (DMP) and is under the responsibility of the project’s Project Coordination Office. It contains a description of how the data generated, collected and processed will be managed by the FAIR-IMPACT project. These data may derive from and/or be linked to research outputs, dissemination and communication activities, engagement activities and other means depicted in the present deliverable. The DMP includes an overview of how sharing, archiving, and preserving these data will be guaranteed in the course of the project and afterwards.

The DMP includes information on data ethics and data protection. FAIR-IMPACT contributes to Open Access, Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and handles its data responsibly and according to the FAIR principles and the conditions laid out in the relevant articles of the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement.

The deliverable is intended to be a living document and thus its content will be updated and described in more detail as the project progresses, in order to reflect adaptations and changes with respect to its first version. The followed structure is based on the Horizon Europe Data Management Plan template (v1.0, 5 May 2021).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 05 Dec 2022


  • FAIR
  • FAIR data
  • Data Management Plan
  • EOSC
  • Open Access
  • Data ethics
  • Data responsibility


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