D4.2 – Description of Output Support Services and Maintenance Platform

Wim Hugo, Simon Saldner (Contributor), Matti Heikkurinen (Contributor), Carlos Martinez-Ortiz (Contributor)

Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific


Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) Working Groups (WGs) aim to solve specific research data related issues in a relatively short period of time. These groups are created by the RDA community, and rely on the voluntary contributions from the community to achieve its stated objectives. While this approach has been demonstrated to be successful in the last decade, certain areas have been identified where improvements can be made. The RDA TIGER project addresses some of these improvements.

RDA TIGER has established a suite of concrete services to support the Working and Interest Groups (WG) of the RDA. Work Package 4 in the TIGER project oversees the service for WG Output Support, particularly the RDA Maintenance Platform (RDA-MP), and various output guidance services. The objectives are to ensure high quality, usefulness, maintenance, and sustainability of the WG outputs.
This report provides an assessment of progress to date with the implementation of the work plan outlined in D4.1, and highlights challenges and remedies for those challenges.

The report structure mirrors that of D4.1, since we assess progress with the implementation of the solutions and remedies identified in that report with respect to the main concerns, issues, and opportunities facing RDA working group and interest group activities.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages83
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2024


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