DICE EU Deliverable D4.2: Pilots for the integration with other services & platforms

Daniel Mallmann (Editor), Chris Ariyo, Tibor Kalman, S. Bingert, G. Cakir, P.K. Doorn, Mark van de Sanden, Emilie Kraaikamp, H, van Piggelen, Wilko Steinhoff, Eko Indarto, Abdulrahman Azab

Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific


This deliverable includes the pilot use cases for the integration of data services with computing platforms of T4.1 the integration of the integrity check for PIDs of T4.2 the long-term preservation policies for B2SHARE and B2SAFE of T4.3 and the sensitive data risk analysis of T4.4.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages92
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2022


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