Dutch Open Science Landscape Dashboard – 14 June 2020 – Draft 0.4

Research output: Working paper/discussion paperWorking paper/Discussion paperProfessional

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This report provides an overview of the Dutch Open Science Landscape in 8 graphs on the data infrastructure and open access. The report is based on the Landscape analysis of The Netherlands made in the context for the EOSC-Synergy project.

1. Digital Research Infrastructure components according to NWO, Re3Data, MERIL, ESFRI and LCRDM;
2. Research facilities/data repositories/infrastructures by discipline according to NWO, Re3Data, MERIL;
3. Certified data repositories for Long Term Preservation;
4. Use of Persistent Identifiers (PID) in data repositories;
5. Numbers of datasets in data repositories;
6. Access licenses and access restrictions applicable in data repositories;
7. Metadata standards used by data repositories;
8. Open Access in 49 Academic and Higher Education publication repositories, 2016-2020.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2020


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