Ectomycorrhizal fungi diversity in a white sand forest in western Amazonia

Aída M. Vasco-Palacios, Johnathan Hernandez, María Cristina Peñuela-Mora, Ana Esperanza Franco-Molano, Teun Boekhout

Research output: Contribution to journal/periodicalArticleScientificpeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


The genera Dicymbe and Aldina (Fabaceae) host ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcM) and are common in white sand forests (WSFs), a highly specialized habitat with a high level of plant endemism compared with terra-firme forests. In this study, we visited four times a 1-ha permanent plot established in a small patch of a WSF in the south of Colombia Amazonia. Forty-eight species of EcM fungi were recovered from sporocarps and 15 ITS species-level were detected from root tips. Seventeen species were new reports to Colombia and seven corresponded to undescribed species. These results confirm that this WSF supports a significant EcM fungal diversity. Most of the species found in this study have been previously reported to be associated with other legume and/or dipterocarp species from geographically distant forests. The long-distance occurrence combined with low host specificity, suggest the possibility of gene flow between geographically distant populations of EcM fungi in neotropical lowland rainforests.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-18
Number of pages10
JournalFungal Ecology
Publication statusPublished - 01 Feb 2018


  • Dicymbe uaiparuensis
  • Dipterocarpaceae
  • Dispersion
  • Ecology
  • Fabaceae
  • Host specificity
  • Hymenochaetaceae
  • Russulaceae


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