Explorative interfaces to digital variant editions. The case of the online Variorum of Darwin's Origin of Species

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperScientificpeer-review


Scholarly digital editions of variants allow their readers access to the details of textual genesis and transmission: the possibly thousands of facts that together make up the history of the edited text.
We have, however, not done very well in providing researchers access to these riches. Yes, we have lists of variants, we have pop-ups, we have parallel views with additions and deletions. But we hardly have facilities that provide higher-level visualisations of the number and content of the changes made to the work in its various editions. We seem to want the reader to replicate the editor's voyage of discovery. We should try to create explorative interfaces that help the reader, and perhaps the editor, explore the edition's riches and to understand the essentials of the textual transmission. I will illustrate these ideas by sketches and a live preview for a prominent online variant edition, the Online Variorum of Darwin's Origin of Species created by Barbara Bordelejo.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2023
EventESTS 2023: Authorship, Identity, and Textual Scholarship: Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship - University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom
Duration: 13 Apr 202314 Apr 2023


ConferenceESTS 2023: Authorship, Identity, and Textual Scholarship
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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