Fertility differentials among religious minorities: cross-national and regional evidence from India and Bangladesh

B. Sahu, L.J.G. van Wissen, I. Hutter, A. Bosch

Research output: Contribution to journal/periodicalArticleScientificpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


The article examines the independent effect of religious minority status on fertility at two levels i.e. cross-country level of India and Bangladesh and intra-country level (district) of India. Demographic and health survey data from India (2005–2006) and Bangladesh (2006–2007) are used for the crosscountry comparison and the census of India (2001) for the intra-country comparison.Minority status is operationalised first as an interaction between country and religion, and second through a religionbased concentration index. This article finds empirical support for the independent effect of religious minority status on fertility at the crosscountry (India and Bangladesh) and intra-country (districts of India) level. This article contends that high fertility among religiousminorities is a result of vulnerability due to socio-economic disadvantageous position of minorities in India and Bangladesh. keywords: religious minority; fertility; crosscomparison; India; Bangladesh
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)503-515
JournalPopulation, Space and Place
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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