Frisian dictionaries, digitized from A to Z

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This paper approaches dictionaries as lexical resources with functions for target audiences, which benefit from a strictly defined data
format, which means less work and improved interchangeability. Code generation in a reliable automated build pr ocess provides
validation and documentation. Stable services provide functions that can be realized within the data format. The software canrun straight
away with a complete docker setup. In this way, creating a dictionary becomes primarily a matter of ed iting or converting data, for
instance with an XML editor that supports editors by means of generated validation and documentation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 01 Oct 2021
EventXIX EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography for Inclusion - online, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Duration: 07 Sept 202109 Sept 2021


ConferenceXIX EURALEX International Congress
Abbreviated titleeuralex
Internet address


  • TEI
  • universal dependencies
  • dictionary
  • Frisian
  • eXist-db


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