Il Lexicon of Scholarly Editing: una bussola nella Babele delle tradizioni filologiche

E. Spadini, Wout Dillen, Monica Zanardo

Research output: Contribution to journal/periodicalArticleScientificpeer-review

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The paper presents the Lexicon of Scholarly Editing, a multilingual digital lexicon of philological terms, that aims to facilitate the international exchange, gathering definitions from the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to textual criticism, textkritik, critique textuelle, critique génétique, critica delle varianti, etc. Before introducing the Lexicon, the authors present the context from which it emerges, that of the past debates among different traditions and of the recent flourishing of international lexica online dedicated to philological disciplines. The working principles of the Lexicon are then demonstrated and the role of multilingualism in digital resources is addressed. A selection of examples shows the potential of the Lexicon as cultural mediator and in disseminating philological traditions that, though illustrious, are not well known beyond national borders.
Original languageItalian
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Textual Scholarship
  • textual criticism
  • edition
  • lexicons

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