Macht, bezit en ruimte: Opstellen over de noordelijke Nederlanden in de middeleeuwen, aangeboden aan Hans Mol bij zijn afscheid als bijzonder hoogleraar Geschiedenis van de Friese landen in de Middeleeuwen aan de Universiteit Leiden

Translated title of the contribution: Power, Property and Space: Contributions concerning the northern Netherlands during the Middle Ages, offered to Hans Mol in honour of his valediction as professor of the History of the Frisian lands during the middle ages at Leiden University

Hildo van Engen (Editor), J.A. Nijdam (Editor), K. van Vliet (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookScientific

Translated title of the contributionPower, Property and Space: Contributions concerning the northern Netherlands during the Middle Ages, offered to Hans Mol in honour of his valediction as professor of the History of the Frisian lands during the middle ages at Leiden University
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationHilversum
Number of pages640
ISBN (Print)9789087048754
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2021

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