Phylogenomics reveal a robust fungal tree of life

Eiko E. Kuramae, Vincent Robert, Berend Snel, Michael Weiß, Teun Boekhout

    Research output: Chapter in book/volumeChapterScientificpeer-review

    61 Citations (Scopus)


    Our understanding of the tree of life (TOL) is still fragmentary. Until recently, molecular phylogeneticists have built trees based on ribosomal RNA sequences and selected protein sequences, which, however, usually suffered from lack of support for the deeper branches and inconsistencies probably due to limited subsampling of the entire genome. Now, phylogenetic hypotheses can be based on the analysis of full genomes. We used available complete genome data as well as the eukaryote orthologous group (KOG) proteins to reconstruct with confidence basal branches of the fungal TOL. Phylogenetic analysis of a core of 531 KOGs shared among 21 fungal genomes, three animal genomes and one plant genome showed a single tree with high support resulting from four different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. The single tree that we inferred from our dataset showed excellent nodal support for each branch, suggesting that it reflects the true phylogenetic relationships of the species involved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPhylogenomics reveal a robust fungal tree of life
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

    Publication series

    NameFEMS Yeast Research


    • Evolution
    • Fungal comparative genomics
    • Fungal tree of life
    • Phylogenomics
    • p00177
    • genome evolution
    • yeast
    • genomics
    • Schue 5228


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