Recognising and implementing FAIR throughout the organisation

M. L Verburg (Maaike), M.J. (Marjan) Grootveld, Judith de Haan (Contributor)

Research output: Other contributionScientific


For an organisation to successfully implement a programme for open and FAIR science, it is vital that its approach is one that both connects to all relevant actors throughout the organisation and is also supported by senior management. Utrecht University showcases an extensive Open Science Programme that includes support for FAIR practices. This programme is carried out through collaborations with many different parties and stakeholders to ensure alignment throughout the organisation and a focus on the aspects that are most relevant to academics. Awareness, training, and recognition are the main pillars of this programme. Based on the TRIPLE model, Utrecht University strives to remain at the forefront of the open science movement in the Netherlands. This story depicts the organisation’s programme and gives examples of the resulting practical implementations of training and recognition efforts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2022


  • FAIR Data Principles
  • Research Data Management
  • Data support model
  • FAIR training and skills
  • Open science
  • Implementation story


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