Recombinant vitronectin is a functionally defined substrate that supports human embryonic stem cell self-renewal via alphavbeta5 integrin.

S.R. Braam, L.M. Zeinstra, S.H.M. Litjens, D. Ward-van Oostwaard, S. van den Brink, L.W. van Laake, F. Lebrin, P. Kats, R. Hochstenbach, R. Passier, A. Sonnenberg, C.L. Mummery

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366 Citations (Scopus)


Defined growth conditions are essential for many applications of human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Most defined media are presently used in combination with Matrigel, a partially defined extracellular matrix (ECM) extract from mouse sarcoma. Here, we defined ECM requirements of hESC by analyzing integrin expression and ECM production and determined integrin function using blocking antibodies. hESC expressed all major ECM proteins and corresponding integrins. We then systematically replaced Matrigel with defined medium supplements and ECM proteins. Cells attached efficiently to natural human vitronectin, fibronectin, and Matrigel but poorly to laminin + entactin and collagen IV. Integrin-blocking antibodies demonstrated that alphaVbeta5 integrins mediated adhesion to vitronectin, alpha5beta1 mediated adhesion to fibronectin, and alpha6beta1 mediated adhesion to laminin + entactin. Fibronectin in feeder cell-conditioned medium partially supported growth on all natural matrices, but in defined, nonconditioned medium only Matrigel or (natural and recombinant) vitronectin was effective. Recombinant vitronectin was the only defined functional alternative to Matrigel, supporting sustained self-renewal and pluripotency in three independent hESC lines.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2257-2265
JournalStem Cells
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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