Redefining Ellisembia sensu stricto with a reassessment of related taxa in Sordariomycetes

Gregorio Delgado* (Corresponding author), Ondřej Koukol, Jose G. Maciá-Vicente, William Colbert, Meike Piepenbring

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The sensu stricto concept of the large and polyphyletic genus Ellisembia is revealed based on a recent collection of its type species, E. coronata, on the original host at the type locality in Germany. Phylogenetic analyses of concatenated ITS, LSU, and RPB2 sequence data suggest that the fungus belongs to Sporidesmiaceae (Sordariomycetes) where it groups together with other morphologically similar ellisembia-like taxa in a distinct monophyletic lineage distant from Sporidesmium. Ellisembia is therefore restricted to those members of this novel group having distoseptate conidia and producing none or a few percurrent conidiophore extensions. Its previous synonymy under Sporidesmium is revised, and four novel combinations are proposed including E. pseudobambusae comb. nov., recently collected on a dead branch of Arundinaria sp. (Poaceae) in Texas, USA. The holotype illustration of S. coronatum, the basionym of E. coronata, is considered ambiguous due to the depiction of eusepta instead of distosepta. Consequently, Ellisembia is epitypified with the fresh specimen from Germany after comparing it with authentic materials preserved at G and IMI. Additionally, the genus Lomaantha, typified by L. pooga, is expanded and emended to include E. brachypus and related ellisembia-like taxa grouping together in a distinct lineage within Chaetosphaeriaceae (Sordariomycetes) distant from Sporidesmiaceae. A reassessed taxonomy for members of this monophyletic clade is proposed including six new combinations, and the presence of distinct pores in their conidial distosepta was evaluated. Sporidesmiella angustobasilaris, which typifies the genus Anasporidesmiella, is reduced to synonymy of L. folliculata upon examination of its type material.

Original languageEnglish
Article number32
JournalMycological Progress
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2024


  • 1 new epitypification
  • 10 new combinations
  • Phylogeny
  • Saprobic fungi


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