Regesten van de oorkonden, brieven en enkele andere bescheiden van het Clarissenklooster Sint-Elisabethsdal te Boxtel, berustend in het klooster Sint-Josephsberg te Megen, 1390-1719

Translated title of the contribution: Abstract of the charters, letters and a few other documents of the Clarisse convent Sint-Elisabethsdal in Boxtel, kept in the archive of the cloister Sint-Josephsberg in Megen, 1390-1719

Research output: Book/ReportBookScientific

Translated title of the contributionAbstract of the charters, letters and a few other documents of the Clarisse convent Sint-Elisabethsdal in Boxtel, kept in the archive of the cloister Sint-Josephsberg in Megen, 1390-1719
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationEsch
PublisherStichting Brabantse Bronnen
Number of pages82
ISBN (Print)978-90-817530-6-7
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • edition of medieval charters

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