Syntax of Dutch. Nouns and Noun Phrases Volume 1

H. Broekhuis, M.E. Keizer

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The aim of this publication is to present a complete synthesis of the available knowledge of Dutch syntax. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, providing support to all researchers of language and linguistics, including graduate students. The first two volumes in this series, Nouns and Noun Phrases, discuss the internal make-up as well as the distribution of noun phrases, and address the following areas: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (articles and demonstratives), numerals and quantifiers; the use of noun phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherAmsterdam University Press
Number of pages571
ISBN (Print)978 90 8964 460 2
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series

NameComprehensive Grammar Resources


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