The Correspondence of Mary Stuart, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange (currently 352 letters)

Research output: Non-textual formDatabaseScientific


Currently this catalogue contains the metadata for 352 letters, 273 of which are conserved in the Royal Collections at The Hague. The letters are written in German, French, and Dutch, and they date from 1641 to 1660. Mary’s outgoing letters are kept in a letter book which is held at the Dutch Royal Collections [KV, Maria Stuart A15a, XI B3] and ten holographs in her hand [KV, Frederik Hendrik A14, XI A35] have been calendared. Metadata for seventy-three letters conserved in the Bodleian Library in Oxford (MS Rawl. Letters 115) have been included, and in the near future further correspondence from this library will be added. Where links are provided (marked as manuscript image) to digitized copies of the scanned manuscripts, the entire letter book will open and the user is able to browse to the relevant folio number to locate the particular letter.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCultures of Knowledge
Publication statusPublished - 02 Sept 2016


  • correspondence


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