Towards functional spin-echo BOLD line-scanning in humans at 7T

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OBJECTIVE: Neurons cluster into sub-millimeter spatial structures and neural activity occurs at millisecond resolutions; hence, ultimately, high spatial and high temporal resolutions are required for functional MRI. In this work, we implemented a spin-echo line-scanning (SELINE) sequence to use in high spatial and temporal resolution fMRI.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A line is formed by simply rotating the spin-echo refocusing gradient to a plane perpendicular to the excited slice and by removing the phase-encoding gradient. This technique promises a combination of high spatial and temporal resolution (250 μm, 500 ms) and microvascular specificity of functional responses. We compared SELINE data to a corresponding gradient-echo version (GELINE).

RESULTS: We demonstrate that SELINE showed much-improved line selection (i.e. a sharper line profile) compared to GELINE, albeit at the cost of a significant drop in functional sensitivity.

DISCUSSION: This low functional sensitivity needs to be addressed before SELINE can be applied for neuroscientific purposes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)317-327
JournalMagnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2023


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