Trophic coupling in the microbial food web of a eutrophic shallow lake (Lake Visvijver, Belgium)

K. Muylaert, Liang Zhao, K. van der Gucht, S. Cousin, S. Declerck, W. Vyverman

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Two fractionation experiments were carried out to study trophic interactions in the microbial food web in the shallow eutrophic lake Visvijver. Despite an order of magnitude difference in biomass of bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and ciliates between the two experiments, the trophic interactions observed were similar. Bacteria were consumed by HNF and oligotrich ciliates, oligotrich ciliates fed on HNF as well as bacteria and cyclopoid copepod nauplii preyed on the oligotrich ciliates. While cyclopoid copepods had no effect on any component of the microbial food web, Daphnia fed on bacteria and HNF. No or a weak and slow trophic cascade occurred from oligotrich ciliates to HNF and bacteria. The lack of a pronounced trophic cascade was ascribed to the importance of the omnivorous oligotrich ciliates in the microbial food web. In both experiments, removal of trophic levels by size fractionation resulted in changes in the identity of the dominant bacterivores, but this had little effect on total bacterial grazing losses. Bacterial community composition (monitored in the second experiment using DGGE analysis), on the contrary, was more strongly influenced by changes in the identity of the dominant bacterivores, suggesting the presence of a 'cryptic trophic cascade'.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)307-324
Number of pages18
JournalArchiv für Hydrobiologie
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • microbial food web bacteria HNF ciliates Daphnia cyclopoid copepod nauplii trophic cascade omnivory community structure crustacean zooplankton predation protists bacteria rates sea daphnia cascade copepod Marine & Freshwater Biology


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