virtuoso-quad-log: Generate a log of all added/deleted quads in the virtuoso triple store

Jauco Noordzij (Developer), H. van den Berg (Developer), M. Maas (Developer), René van den Ark (Developer)

Research output: Non-textual formSoftwareScientific


The RDF data model can be used to share and distribute information from a wide variety of sources and has distinguished advantages over other data models. Keeping track of state and changes in dispersed data stores and propagating state and changes to other data stores or a central hub is out of scope of the data model it self. Reporting the initial state of a data store, keeping track of changes during the life of the store and publishing this state and these changes to the outside world in accordance with a well-described protocol is the subject of this repository.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Virtuoso, Resource Sync Framework, RDF, N-Quad, RDF-patch, Triple store, Quad store


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