Voorpublicatie, censuur en zelfscensuur in Oudheid en Middeleeuwen. Of: hoe een auteur zich kan wapenen tegen openbare kritiek en straf

Translated title of the contribution: Prepublication, censorship and selfcriticism in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Or: how an author can avoid public criticism and punishment

Research output: Chapter in book/volumeChapterProfessional

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Translated title of the contributionPrepublication, censorship and selfcriticism in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Or: how an author can avoid public criticism and punishment
Original languageDutch
Title of host publicationIn vriendschap en vertrouwen. Cultuurhistorische essays over confidentialiteit
EditorsJ. Gabriëls, I. Huysman, T. van Kalmthout, R. Sluijter
Place of PublicationHilversum
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9789087044787
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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