Exploring Historical War Experiences through Digital Sources and Methodologies

Activiteit: Toespraak of presentatieAcademisch


With the large increase in digitisation, as well as machine-readability of documents, historians are able to browse through historical collections in new ways. Although for long the archivist remained in the background as a ‘neutral processor of the archive’, the steps taken both in analog and digital archival processes influence how, as well as which documents are accessed by historians. This workshop contribution discusses both manual and automated archival description in the form of keywords, in order to demonstrate how data-driven methods may be employed for further contextualization of documents.

Periode23 mei 2024
EvenementstitelExploring Historical War Experiences through Digital Sources and Methodologies
LocatieTampere, FinlandToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal