Lid promotiecommissie PhD thesis MSc. A. (Anoeshka) J. Gehring, Radboud Universiteit

Activiteit: Lesgeven/Examinering/SupervisiePhD candidate reviewing/examination


Lid promotiecommissie PhD thesis Anoeshka Gehring: "Pensioners on the Move. A socio-legal Study on Retirement Migration from the Netherlands to Spain and Turkey ". Radboud Universiteit. Promotor: prof. mr. S.E. Bartels, co-promotor: prof. dr. E. Guild.
Promotiedatum/tijdstip: 11 februari 2019, 14.30 u.

Periode11 feb. 2019
Examen gehouden op
  • Experimental Plant Ecology, Radboud University Nijmegen