NEH Institute: Make your edition

  • David Birnbaum (Organisator)
  • Haentjens Dekker, R. (Organisator)
  • T. Andrews (Organisator)
  • L.-J. Olsson (Organisator)

Activiteit: Deelname aan of organisatie van een evenementWorkshop, seminarAcademisch


The University of Pittsburgh is pleased to invite applications to an NEH Advanced Institute in the Digital Humanities for summer 2017 entitled Make your edition: models and methods of digital textual scholarship. The target audience for this workshop is digital textual scholars who are already comfortable editing their texts (in TEI XML or comparable alternatives); the goal of the Institute is to assist them in moving beyond textual editing to imagining, creating, and publishing research-driven, theoretically and methodologically innovative digital editions.
Periode10 jul. 201729 jul. 2017
Mate van erkenningInternationaal