Roads to Justice in Film, Lecture and Debate Series (2019)

Activiteit: Deelname aan of organisatie van een evenementAnder evenementAcademisch


Transitional Justice has many different faces. They include (inter)national tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions and local coping mechanisms. How does a society, and how do individuals, that survived mass violence and human rights abuses build a new future, and what mechanisms do they use for coming to terms with this past? This series – organised by the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies and various partners – highlights roads to justice around the globe through documentary film and discussion with special guests.

- June 6 2019: “Srebrenica Genocide: No Room for Denial” (Outreach ICTY)
- May 9, 2019: “Militia Man”
- April 2, 2019: “People Define the Times: Witnessing Communist Oppression and its Legacy in Albania”
Periode02 apr. 201906 jun. 2019
Mate van erkenningInternationaal